Club member Paul White recommends the following books as great resources!

Club V. President and member, Todd Snyder, recommends the following 4 YouTube channels. Each channel has valuable information for all beekeepers!

This is the Information shared at the October, 2024 meeting. How to choose the best Varroa treatment. Click link first.

This is the Information shared at the April meeting. There are wonderful resources just waiting. Enrollment is free!
Latest Guide from the Honey Bee Health Coalition on Nutrition.

Contact Dana Fisher at Monarda Apiary to pre-order your beekeeping supplies. Monarda will then arrange delivery. This is the link to the oils that Cliff Best uses for his special essential oil mixtures. Mention that you are a beekeeper and maybe you could earn a discount!

Bee Informed Partnership , click the link for important resources.
October 2020 meeting presentation. source:

Honey Bee Health coalition has valuable resources for all things beekeeping!

State of Florida Beekeeper Registration Information and Compliance Agreement can be found here!

State of Florida Cottage Food Industry information:

Click here for research-based science on everything Honey Bee related!